When you are starting up a start-up , you need to estimate the cost associated with it. You can use an online software to do it or you can simply use this google sheets template to create a start-up analysis capital estimate document.
In this template, you can record some general details like name of your startup, template creation date, last modified date etc.
Then you have the one time cost section, where you can record various costs under several headers like construction, installation charges, inventory, equipment cost, advertising and promotion cost, legal and other professional fees, license and permit fees, cash reserve, miscellaneous costs. The template will automatically calculate the total cost and percentage contribution of each header.
Next section is for monthly costs where you can record salary of owner or manager, other salaries and wages, rent, communication like phone, mail and fax charges, delivery expenses if any, supplies cost, other utilities cost, insurance cost, taxes including social security, legal and other professional fees, advertising fees, maintenance fees, interest fees, miscellaneous fees. The template will calculate the total cost and percentage contribution for each header.
Name: | Startup capital analysis |
Category: | Business, Finance |
Application: | Google sheets |
Tags: | startup budget template google sheets, startup financial model template google sheets, business startup expenses template google sheets |
Screenshots of the template:

What is a start-up capital estimate document?
A start-up capital analysis document is a document that provides an analysis of the amount of money that a company will need to raise in order to start operations. This document will typically include an analysis of the company’s business model, start-up costs, and capital requirements.
How to create a start-up capital estimate document?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the process of creating a start-up capital analysis document will vary depending on the specific company and situation. However, some tips on how to create a start-up capital analysis document include:
1. Define the company’s business model and start-up costs: The first step in creating a start-up capital analysis document is to define the company’s business model and start-up costs. This information will be used to determine how much money the company will need to raise in order to start operations.
2. Conduct a capital requirements analysis: The next step is to conduct a capital requirements analysis. This analysis will help to determine how much money the company will need to raise in order to meet its capital requirements.
3. Create a start-up capital analysis document: Once the company’s business model and start-up costs have been defined, and the capital requirements analysis has been conducted, the next step is to create the start-up capital analysis document. This document should include an analysis of the company’s business model, start-up costs, and capital requirements.