You can use this college budget template to plan your college expense. The free college monthly budget template for google sheets will help you record all the minute details about your expenses monthly.
In this template, you can record your tuition fees, room and board fees, books cost, supplies cost, personal expenses, transportation cost. Once you input these information, the template will automatically calculate the total educational cost.
Next, you can enter details of scholarship, grants, federal education loans, work-study, parent loans. This will add up to the total amount that will be less of a cost from the previous educational cost.
In this template, you can record year of investment, current allocation, current allocation percentage, target allocation percentage, target allocation amount and the change required.
Name: | College Monthly Budget Template |
Category: | Personal Finance |
Application: | Google sheets |
Tags: | College Monthly Budget Template google sheets, google sheets college budget template, budget template google sheets college, college financial plan template google sheets |
Screenshots of the template:

What is the college budget?
There is no definitive answer to this question since college budgets can vary greatly from one school to the next. However, some common expenses that are typically included in a college budget are tuition, room and board, books and supplies, and personal expenses.
How to create a college budget sheet?
There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the best way to create a college budget sheet will vary depending on your specific needs and financial situation. However, some tips on how to create a college budget sheet include:
1. Determine your total cost of attendance.
The first step in creating a college budget sheet is to determine your total cost of attendance, which includes tuition and fees, room and board, books and supplies, and personal expenses.
2. Make a list of your income sources.
Next, you will need to make a list of all the income sources you have available to you, such as scholarships, grants, and loans.
3. Determine your expenses.
After you have determined your income, you will need to make a list of all your expenses, such as tuition, room and board, books and supplies, and personal expenses.
4. Create a budget.
Once you have all of the information you need, you can then start creating your college budget sheet. When creating your budget, be sure to include a buffer for unexpected expenses.
5. Stick to your budget.
The final step in creating a college budget sheet