In this tutorial you will learn how to add greek letters in google sheets.
Europe has a significant contribution to Mathematics. Because European mathematics is heavily rooted in ancient Greece, even today we see the use of Greek letters and symbols in many formulas.
When you work with spreadsheets, you come across situations where you have to insert mathematical formulas or variables in a cell. In this tutorial, we will learn how to insert Greek letters in google sheets.
Though there is no direct way to insert Greek letters in google sheets, you can copy these letters from google docs or other word processing applications and then add greek letters in google sheets.
Here is how to insert greek letters:
1. Open google docs on your computer along with google sheets
2. In google docs, click on Insert from the top menu and choose Special characters
3. This will bring the special character’s window
4. You can choose from the list or search to find the letter you want to insert.
5. Click on the letter and it will appear on your document
6. Now copy this letter and paste it into a cell in google sheets
This is how you will insert greek letters in google sheets.
Here is a quick video showing this in action.
Here is a screenshot showing the result:

Use addons to Insert greek letters in google sheets
You can take the help of addons to insert Greek letters in google sheets. Go to Extensions in the menu bar and click on “Get addon”.
Search for special characters in the search bar. At the point of writing this guide, there is one by username hdas49 called “Special characters‘.
This add-on can help you insert special characters including greek letters in google sheets.
You can try this add-on for a month before subscribing to a paid plan which is quite cheap if you use the special characters regularly.
List of frequently used Greek letters
Here are some of the frequently used Greek letters in mathematics. You can copy these to your google sheets.
Name | Symbol |
Alpha | ɑ |
Beta | β |
Gamma | Ɣ |
Delta | δ |
Epsilon | ε |
Zeta | ζ |
Eta | η |
Theta | θ |
Iota | ɩ |
Kappa | κ |
Lambda | λ |
Mu | 𝜇 |
Nu | 𝝂 |
Xi | ξ |
Omicron | ο |
Pi | 𝝅 |
Rho | 𝝆 |
Sigma | 𝞂 |
Tau | 𝜏 |
Upsilon | 𝜐 |
Phi | 𝜑 |
Chi | 𝞆 |
Psi | Ⲯ |
Omega | ѡ |
Wrapping up
Greek letters are an essential part of mathematical formulas. If you are working with mathematical formulas and you need to show them inside a google sheets cell, you can use the method discussed here to insert Greek letters in google sheets.
Further Reading
New to google sheets ? Start here
Learn Enter & Format data in google sheets: